
We’ve all experienced anxiousness at some point in our lives—before an important exam, before a first date, or before a presentation. The symptoms may include raising heartbeat, rapid breathing, restlessness, and feeling panicky and tense. These are normal reactions to stressful events.

However, when it is prolonged or when it interferes with your daily lives. You may have anxiety disorder. The symptoms include but are not limited to obsessive thoughts, persistent worries, debilitating phobias or panic attacks. It may affect the quality of your sleep, relationship, work and so on. Seeking help from a counsellor may help you to learn the underlying cause of your fears and/or worries. You will also learn relaxation methods, and ways to reduce or eradicate the symptoms and eventually regain peace. Counselling is not a magic pill, but it will equip you with tools to overcome your anxiety.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), agoraphobia, Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) to name a few. There is no one size fits all treatment, so your treatment is tailored specially to you. Although the treatment may differ, the goal is generally to overcome your anxiety and find calm again. Schedule a call with me now to kick start your journey to find your calm again.

Schedule a call with me

This is a free 15-minute initial phone consultation with me, where you can ask me questions you have in mind about counselling. Then, you can determine if we are a good fit before we proceed with the counselling process. Schedule a call with me now to regain your calm.

Schedule a Counselling Session With Me

This is a 50 to 55 minute-session where the counselor and you form a professional relationship, and discuss the matter that is troubling you, matters range from work stress to relationship related matters. It is a confidential, collaborative, goal-based process.

The number of sessions require to achieve your goal varies from one individual to another, this will be discussed in the session.

Get in touch with me now to regain your calm.

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